Saturday, January 21, 2012

People and Power

The reason for structured freedom, even in the most liberal societies, is power. To maintain order, there should ALWAYS be a sovereign ruler. In order to take control of the state, the sovereign ruler has to be more powerful than everyone else in the state. Of course and obviously, quoting what Uncle Ben told Peter Parker in the movie Spiderman 2, "With great power comes great responsibility". At present day, some people wielded with great power are getting irresponsible and not doing their job properly. They just enjoy the privileges of their position. Power should be exercised properly and responsibly. Just like in the Philippines, politicians use their power to hoard money, at the expense of the Filipino people, which is obviously wrong. As time goes by, the trust of the people to the government decreases little by little. Our government, or the so-called government of the "Republic of the Philippines", is one of the most corrupt in the world. We all know that the situation of our country is very bad. So, how can politicians afford to slack-off and create even bigger problems? There is obviously a malpractice of power.

Power is acquired not only through politics but also through ideas. It is not always about the position. Sometimes, ideas, which I believe is the most powerful, wields a person great power. Everyone is unique but society dictates norms. Through powerful ideas, norms or way of living of a society, or even the world, can change. The power of the brain, also called as intellectual, which creates ideas, is so powerful that mindsets of a great number of people could change.

In my personal life, sense of responsibility has always been an essential part of me. I'm a finish-your-responsibilities-before-partying person. Before slacking- off, I make sure everything I have to do is done. With all those responsibilities, we can safely say that I have a certain power wielded. As a 20 year old, I'm already legal. There are things that I enjoy that minors are not allowed to do, such as buying and/or drinking alcoholic drinks and smoking. Still, there are responsibilities that comes with it. If you get drunk, you might end up doing crazy illegal things or even die or kill some one. This brings us back to "sense of responsibility". You have that power simply because you have to do responsibilities. Without those powers, doing those responsibilities would be very hard or even impossible.

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